News & Events


Lawn & Garden Tractors including X300 and X500 Series

Service check includes:


Extended 750 hour services on Medium and Larger Frame models

Vicky Hope - Wales YFC Chair

When governmental assistance funding for Wales YFC was reduced this last year, incoming Wales YFC Chair - Vicky Hope, decided that to be able to help other charities, the YFC movement would first have to take care of its own finances.

John Deere is expanding its range of premium mower-conditioners and balers with the introduction of a new triple mower-conditioner and an updated L1533 large square baler, designed to increase harvesting capacity for contractors and large farming operations.

623R Front Loader

Featuring higher payloads and maximum versatility, John Deere’s new generation R Series front loaders are easy to attach and remove and provide smooth, fast and precise handling.

W550i Combine

John Deere’s new W and T-Series combines have undergone a comprehensive redesign for the 2016 harvest.