See the range of John Deere and Pottinger Grass Harvesting Machinery & Kramer Telehandlers in action at our field Demo Day.
New from John Deere
8500 SPFH
C441R Wrapping Baler
F441R Round Baler
F310R and R950R butterfly mowers
5125R - First look at the brand new 5R from JD
We will also be demoing Pottinger Rakes, Tedders and the Torro CombiLine 5510 Wagon.
Meet up with our Precision Farming specialists to find out more about about our range of technology that can you cut input costs & maximise yields.
BBQ & refreshments available on site.
Event hosted wth kind permission of Mr Bill Layton.
Supported by John Deere, Pottinger, Sukly, Kramer, AW Trailers